Supplement Your Success

“Just imagine, how much easier our lives would be if we were born with a ‘user guide or owner’s manual’ which could tell us what to eat and how to live healthy.”

― Erika M. Szabo, Keep Your Body Healthy

Vitalize Your Vitamin Cabinet & Improve Brain Health

Maintaining optimal brain health encapsulates several areas of self-care, including a healthy diet and lifestyle, managing stress, staying authentic, and holding high self-worth within yourself. Though there are many vitamins and supplements that claim to help your brain, promoting successful and optimal brain health products continues to structure the backbone of Profectus Affiliates's mission. Items including B complex vitamins (B6 and B12), fish oil supplements, vitamin D, ashwagandha, phosphatidylserine, and several more function to maintain, regulate, stimulate, and create neuronal connections within the brain that may improve mood, cognitive learning, and memory.

Vitamin B-12

-Prevents the loss of neurons (brain atrophy)

-Improves mood and symptoms of depression through synthesizing and metabolizing serotonin

-Promotes myelin synthesis

Fish Oil

-Contains two types of omega-3 fatty acids - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): well known for their heart, skin, and brain benefits

-Supplements efficient blood flow to the brain, which allows better cognitive performances

-Prevents memory loss and symptoms of depression

Vitamin B-6

-Prevent declining brain function by decreasing homocysteine levels (associated with Alzheimer's Disease)

-Improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression

-Prevents mental fatigue and increases attention; B-6 used in creating hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body


-Improves concentration, memory, and attention

-Eliminates brain fog and fatigue

-Vital for cellular processes including neurotransmitter synthesis, myelination of neurons, and mitochondrial function

Vitamin D3

-Protects the brain against cognitive decline and dementia

-Regulates calcium homeostasis and maintains bone integrity

-Neuroprotective effects: clearance of amyloid plaques (hallmark of Alzheimer's disease)

-Regulates immune system, clears brain fog, and improves sleep

S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAM-e)

-Naturally occurring compound found in almost every cell in the body

-Maintains immune system, regulates cell membranes, and helps produce and break down brain chemicals;




-Relieves symptoms of depression


-Stimulates production of essential neurotransmitters including;




-Helps nerve cells communicate and improves mood

-Regulates functions of organs including adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands in making and regulating hormones


-Covers, protects, and carries messages between cells in your brain

-Works as an antioxidant; reduces impact of dangerous free-radicals in your body

-Increases brain turnover of norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine

-Preserves neuroplasticity and increases brain cell fluidity


-Reduces anxiety, improves sleep quality, and relieves stress

-Prevents cellular degeneration and improves cognitive function

-Enhances physical performance: increases maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max)

-Reduces blood sugar levels and decreases inflammation



a. Neurofactor

-derived from coffee cherry (decaffeinated) and increases levels of brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), which is a neuroprotein that strengthens connections in the brain

b. Plant- sourced Phosphatidylserine

-contains phospholipids that make up the neuronal structure of the brain, which increases memory retention and


-Optimizes magnesium levels in the brain

-Magnesium essential in enzyme reactions, protein synthesis, glucose control, and nerve function

-Contains L-Threonate Magnesium, which helps preserve cognitive decline in aging adults

-Reduced risk of dementia and age-related diseases

-Supports memory and cognitive health

-Maintains "crucial synaptic connections" between brain cells
